Our Services include:
- Web Design
- Social Media
- Search Engine Optimization
- Content Marketing
- Email Marketing
- Dry Cleaning
Okay, not Dry Cleaning but we also offer Video Production, Podcasting and are working to come up with some other goodies as well.

The Focus: Website Above All
Your company website is the focal point. This is ultimately where business is transacted and all means and media are in service to the website.
Therefore, the site must be top-quality and constantly assessed to assure that ALL parts are moving forward—toward your goals.
Moreover, the site is a dynamic entity; changes are not only inevitable but welcome.
The Basics: Start Where You Are
When you first consider working with ALIVE Digital Marketing we'll run a thorough assessment of your current marketing status.
This includes a website, SEO, and social media audit along with suggestions for improvement. After all, all the pieces have to be in place and the foundation must be strong.

Measure, Analyze, Adapt ... Repeat
We'll measure everything. We'll benchmark where you are to begin; we'll monitor progress in terms of attraction, engagement, and conversions.
We'll follow your competitors. How are they doing what they're doing? What can we learn from them?
Are we moving closer to our goals? If not, why not?
If so, let's celebrate... then get back to work.